- Barcoo salute
Australia and New Zealand. English-Russian dictionary of regional studies. 2014.
Australia and New Zealand. English-Russian dictionary of regional studies. 2014.
Barcoo salute — /baku səˈlut/ (say bahkooh suh looht) noun Colloquial → Australian salute. {from Barcoo} …
Barcoo salute — movement of the hand and arm to brush away flies from one s face … Dictionary of Australian slang
barcoo salute — Australian Slang movement of the hand and arm to brush away flies from one s face … English dialects glossary
Barcoo River — im Eyre Basin DatenVorlage:Infobox Fluss/GKZ fehlt … Deutsch Wikipedia
Barcoo River — The Barcoo River in western Queensland, Australia rises on the northern slopes of the Warrego Range and unites with the Thomson River to form Cooper Creek. The first European to see the river was Thomas Mitchell in 1846, who named it Victoria… … Wikipedia
Barcoo — The name of the Barcoo River in western Queensland has been used since the 1880s as a shorthand reference for the hardships, privations, and living conditions of the outback. Poor diets were common in remote areas, with little access to fresh… … Australian idioms
Aussie salute — The Aussie salute, also known as the Barcoo salute (after the Barcoo River) or Bush salute is the waving of one s hand in front of the face at regular intervals in order to prevent bush flies from landing on it, or entering one s nose or mouth.… … Wikipedia
Australian salute — /əstreɪljən səˈlut/ (say uhstraylyuhn suh looht) noun Colloquial (humorous) the movement of hand and arm to brush away flies from one s face. Also, the great Australian salute, Barcoo salute …
Patsy Adam-Smith — Patricia Jean Patsy Adam Smith AO, OBE (May 31, 1924 – September 20, 2001) was an Australian author, historian and servicewoman. She was a prolific writer on a range of subjects covering history, folklore and the preservation of national… … Wikipedia
Барку (река) — Барку Barcoo River (англ.) … Википедия